Experiment Sprints ๐Ÿงช

Our Experimentation Sprints are specifically designed to identify obstacles to conversion, regardless of the conversion goals. We hypothesis test multiple variables, modified to determine which combination of variations performs the best. Continually improving conversion metrics and ROI.

  • A male and female colleague standing in front of a whiteboard that has post it notes and writing on regarding a CRO experiment.
  • Visualisation of the Glue Design Optimisation Experiment Sprints framework workflow followed by the Glue design, strategy and research team to deliver high-end client projects
  • A picture of a Glue designer sitting in front of his display showcasing a website being designed and annotated.

Benefits of conducting Experiment Sprints

Gain customer and behavioural insights
Leverages existing traffic and customers
Increase engagement and conversion rates
Decrease customer acquisition costs
Increase customer lifetime value
Enables data-informed decision making
Improves ranking in organic search
Build UX intelligence and acumen
Improve UX, CX, and PX

The cost of not conducting Experiment Sprints

Increased acquisition costs and CLV
Uncapitalised existing traffic and user base
Undiscovered pain points and UX friction
Unknown obstacles to conversion
Disjointed user experience and journeys
Increased bounce rates and budget churn
Reduced lead scoring and workflow triggers
Bias led UX, CX and PX practices
Reduced user and behavioural intelligence

Experiment Sprint key methods

Identification workshop to determine CRO objectives and metrics
Problem and opportunity statement and validation
Data extraction, interrogation, and benchmarking
Strategy planning including a gap analysis, complexity sizing, technicalities
Hypothesis creation, multi-variant, and experimentation strategies
Experiment iteration, performance measurement, and report analysis

Frequently asked questions
about Experiment Sprints

Clients who love our
Experiment Sprints

Picture of a Glue specialist working on the readiness assessment matrix for a client project
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