Someone looking at a mobile phone, the displays shows the Glue Jobs to be done workshop illustration
Exclusive Workshop

Understanding Jobs To Be Done: Booked!

Congratulations on securing your spot in our exclusive workshop! Your decision to join this empowering experience will undoubtedly enrich your skills and knowledge. Engage with top experts and peers alike in an environment designed for growth. We look forward to seeing you there!

Frequently asked questions

We love using the Jobs To Be Done
framework for our clients

  • Validated with 4,499 travellers
  • 7 critical categories for improvement
  • Delivered over 3 sprints
  • Validated with 4,499 travellers
  • 7 critical categories for improvement
  • Delivered over 3 sprints
  • Validated with 4,499 travellers
  • 7 critical categories for improvement
  • Delivered over 3 sprints
  • Validated with 4,499 travellers
  • 7 critical categories for improvement
  • Delivered over 3 sprints
Customer journey map for Wapp showing how travellers think about and buy travel insurance


Validating a new travel insurance proposition

  • 12 core features tackled
  • 186 pains points identified
  • 52 user interviews conducted
  • 12 core features tackled
  • 186 pains points identified
  • 52 user interviews conducted
  • 12 core features tackled
  • 186 pains points identified
  • 52 user interviews conducted
  • 12 core features tackled
  • 186 pains points identified
  • 52 user interviews conducted
Picture of several buildings being built that illustrates the area of work of Glue's client Eque2, construction management software provider


Elevating two core business management platform experiences

  • £1m cash-based pilot business in 1 year with 1 branch
  • QoQ trade with 2 branches taking as much cash as 14 TP branches
  • £1m cash-based pilot business in 1 year with 1 branch
  • QoQ trade with 2 branches taking as much cash as 14 TP branches
  • £1m cash-based pilot business in 1 year with 1 branch
  • QoQ trade with 2 branches taking as much cash as 14 TP branches
  • £1m cash-based pilot business in 1 year with 1 branch
  • QoQ trade with 2 branches taking as much cash as 14 TP branches
A warehouse main entrance photo of the Built builders merchant


A better builder's warehouse built from the ground up