Transforming the
Insurance industry

As the industry continues to evolve and the transition to a ‘digital first’ future gathers pace, getting to grips with the practical influences and models that allow businesses to deliver effective and successful transformation has never been more critical.

  • An image of instructions explaining how to use the app on a blue background.
    An image of instructions explaining how to use the app on a blue background.

Our research shows that the leading digital insurers take a holistic approach to operational transformation, considering how data, internal culture and delivery methods combine to drive long-lasting change and commercially aligned growth.

Embracing top-down cultural change
Focus on agile implementation
Desire to exceed consumer expectations
Qualified and validated data-driven approach
Prioritising transformation over digitalisation
Increased self-service capabilities

Our frameworks and tools are designed to help you confidently move forward by focusing on the essential principles required for cultural change and digital adoption. Each framework is designed to build process-oriented, data-backed validation and delivery practices that empower internal teams to deliver with predictably and consistency.

We equip digital-first leaders to address the most pressing industry challenges, from redefining policy pricing strategies to enhancing customer experiences in innovative ways.

How might we lower the supply chain cost of claims?
How might we sell more multi-policies?
How might we improve ancillary sales?
How might we reduce cancellations in the first 90-days?
How might we use CRO to improve renewal rates?
How might we drive more self-service traffic?
How might we optimise policy pricing strategies?
How might we streamline the claims process?
How might we expand digital distribution centres?
How might we innovate insurance product offerings?
How might we enhance customer experiences? 
How might we implement effective risk management strategies?

We helped the UK’s biggest digital insurer, Hastings Direct, with Digital transformation

Hastings Direct sought to improve its digital presence and customer experience across multiple channels. Specific focus on enhancing customer acquisition from PCWs and mobile app experience to reduce call centre contacts, accelerate digital adoption, and increase lifetime customer value.

  • Positive impact on Income Per Policy
  • Increased sales coverage of Ancillaries
  • Extended Policy Lifetime Value
An image showing the screen that is shown when you click on an insurance quote on a comparison website and are being transferred to the Hastings website.
An image showing the screen that is shown when you click on an insurance quote on a comparison website and are being transferred to the Hastings website.

By supporting teams with capacity and/or empowering capability, we effectively improve the key metrics digital-first insurance leaders use:

Income Per Policy
Policy Lifetime Value
Price Parity
Price Comparison Website Parity
Renewals Rates
Cost to Serve
Claims Settlement Ratio
Loss Ratio
Net Promoter Score
Underwriting Profitability
Gross Written Premium
Solvency Ratio

We validated Wapp's travel insurance proposition, finding ways to improve it

We deployed our Proposition Validation framework for Wapp, delving deep into traveller's motivations, needs, and concerns. Our in-depth analysis revealed crucial insights into customer sentiments towards Wapp's service. As a cornerstone of data-driven decision-making, our findings provide a clear roadmap for Wapp to enhance its proposition.

  • Validated with 4,499 travellers
  • 7 areas identified for improvement
  • Delivered in 6-weeks
Customer journey map for Wapp showing how travellers think about and buy travel insurance

As the industry transitions, it has to embrace new ways of thinking, driving organisational improvements that provide the foundation for a deeper understanding of customers' wants and needs and how best to serve them in the future. Put yourself at the forefront of the insurance revolution: it’s happening whether you’re ready or not!